Saturday, June 30, 2012

Issue Update: Black Hand Gorge

I'm updating past issues on occasion over the next few days.

I could write something about Black Hand Gorge every day and not repeat myself in a year.  The link to past columns shows that I've come close to trying that.  This statement also correctly reflects my passion for this place and desire to see it's value fully realized.

To me, the challenge is making more of the historical and beautiful aspects of the Gorge available to the public without treading on any person's property rights. 

I firmly believe that clarification on the ownership issues in the Gorge is key.

The mission to get there has been slow, slower than I would like.  However, this mission has been attempted before.  Th public records shows multiple past attempts to clear up this issue to no avail.

I'm committed to keep pushing and prodding until the ownership of the former Interurban Rail Line is cleared up once and for all.

When that is done, then the right to pass through the tunnel will be cleared up once and for all and the public access rights, whatever they may be at that point, won't, at least, be subject to the whimsy of changes in personnel at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

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